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Sentio 在 CAD-CAM-CAE 和工程应用方面提供一流的服务.

我们的服务组合包括工程服务、设计和制造服务、尺寸变化分析服务、CAE 分析和模拟服务以及企业培训。我们围绕 Siemens NX、Simcenter、Star CCM+、Amesim、Tecnomatix、Teamcenter、ESI SYSWELD、ProCAST、PAM-STAMP、VPS、PAM-COMPOSITES、3DCS Variation Analyst 以及我们产品组合中的其他软件产品提供这些服务。



Sentio offers Engineering services to companies in product development and manufacturing activities.


With our deep understanding of the various industries acquired through interactions with hundreds of companies in automotive, aerospace, defense, heavy engineering, consumer durables, electronics, medical equipment, telecom equipment and  others, we are fully aware of the challenges be it in terms of technology, regulatory compliance, timelines, go to market, competitive landscape, resource investments and so on.

We can offer engineering services in the form of digital transformation consulting services, technology adoption, new product development, design and manufacturing, product and process quality improvements among others.


With the help of a sister organization we can offer our customers an end-to-end integrated designing and manufacturing solution.

Using the Digital Tranformation products covering Computer Aided Design and manuafacturing (NX-CAD and NX-CAM), Design Space Exploration (HEEDS), Computer Aided Engineering (NX-Nastran, Simcenter), Process- Plant Automation & Robotics (Tecnomatix), Process Simulation (SYSWELD, ProCAST, PAM-stamp), Product Lifecycle Management (Teamcenter) and many niche tools for Battery Design, Electronic Cooling, Tyre, Seating, Composites and so on, we offer the most complete and integrated software services.

Our manufacturing services near Pune include automation and machining services which can be availed for prototyping, proof of concept, tooling, jigs and fixture design, testing and so on. This gives us an edge in terms of verification and validation of digital twin with the physical one. 

DVA / 公差分析

Sentio offers Dimensional Variation Management services as a crucial step in the Design for Manufacturing and Assembly process.


Armed with the world's best DVA tools - 3DCS and QDM we are able to help designers optimize their assembly variations within an acceptable range while maintaining the aesthetic and functional objectives.

Through multiple DVA projects carried out for customers across automotive, consumer durables, electronic and telecom, industrial equipment, medical devices, aerospace etc., we have significant insight into typical problems faced by designers in defining datums, part GD&T/ tolerances as per ISO/ ASME/ DIN standards, tooling and fixtured design, incorporating process induced distortions, manufacturing process capabilities (Cp/ Pp).

We can help companies manage quality objectives across own plants and suppliers with statstical process control / quality control tools.

CAE 分析与仿真

CAE and Simulation helps analyze the mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic, metallurgical property changes the metal and non-metal parts are expected to undergo when subjected to various manufacturing and assembly processes.


Sentio has extensive experience in CAE and Simulation. We can help our customers accurately predict multi physics behaviour of their products in the design stage itself which helps them save expensive design changes or tooling modifications.

We apply our deep understanding of the various manufacturing processes such as milling, drilling, fluid flow, moulding, welding, casting, forging, rolling and so on with the help of 1D / 3D CAE Analysis and process simulation tools in our portfolio.


We understand that working executives have a constant requirement for skill development. Cross-skilling and Up-skilling are important for both the individuals as well as their exployers.

Sentio offers Training services to companies for the tools in our product portfolio.

Our training courses deliver standard or customized content . Training can be conducted online or on-campus to suit the customer requirements. 

Our various training programs include:

1. GD&T (Basic and advanced)

2. Tolerance Stackup Analysis

3. DVA using 3DCS

4. Welding Process Simulation

5. Casting Process Simulation

6. 1D Simulation with Amesim

7. 3D CAE Simulation with Simcenter

Sentio 为世界领先的企业应用程序提供商提供端到端服务.

我们的服务组合包括业务和 IT 咨询、应用程序交付、定制开发和维护、第三方测试、人才招聘和企业培训。 我们围绕 SAP、Oracle eBusiness Suite、Microsoft Sharepoint、IBM Lotus Notes/Domino 和领先的 BI 工具(如 Cognos、Business Objects、Hyperion、Informatica 和 Datastage)提供这些服务。



Sentio 之前提供业务工程/业务流程再造和业务蓝图服务 实施企业应用程序。


我们的领域专家和业务顾问将了解并映射您的组织、业务性质、 业务流程和 你的痛处和挑战 进入“行业最佳实践”框架并使用 缺口分析 建议您是否需要更改当前流程以匹配应用程序功能或探索关键流程的“变通解决方案”。

Sentio 可以对您现有的应用程序执行第三方审核,以探索它是否提供最佳性能或需要进行一些微调。我们提交审查报告 - 之前和之后 - 进行比较。我们将帮助您制定 IT 战略和路线图,为您的业务需求推荐最适合的应用程序,并评估正确的解决方案供应商/合作伙伴。


Sentio 提供实施服务,无论是整个“端到端”还是一些附加模块; 无论是在不同国家推出全球模板还是本地化以适应当地商业模式、会计标准或政府政策的“风格”。


通过 Fixed Scope-Cost-Time 模型或 Time & Materials 模型,Sentio 的功能和技术顾问团队将与您的业务和 IT 团队进行适当的合作,以确保他们能够很好地适应应用程序给他们带来的变化工作环境。

通过培训和再培训,Sentio 团队将确保知识转移的顺利进行。 Sentio 遵循“需求研究和分析 - 差距分析 - 设置/定制 - 测试 - 上线 - 上线后支持”的成熟方法来实施企业应用程序。


客户经常看 迁移/升级他们的应用程序有很多原因,比如业务需求的变化,支持的结束 硬件平台或操作系统,缺乏对旧版应用程序或以前的企业应用程序的支持,需要支持新功能等等。 Sentio 了解在其他平稳运行的 IT 解决方案中由于这种不可避免的“中断”而导致的巨大问题,并且可以帮助您迁移或升级,从而将停机时间降至最低。我们将通过将数据库或本地化脚本近 100% 迁移到新应用程序、并行运行和顺利上线,带您完成这一过渡。

为此,Sentio 遵循经过验证和测试的“升级评估和规划 - 技术升级 - 功能升级 - 测试 - 培训 - 上线”的方法


Sentio 使用 Oracle、Microsoft、SAP 或开源平台上的开发工具提供定制服务,将第三方插件集成到应用程序或定制开发的定制应用程序。

我们的开发团队使用最现代的软件开发方法,例如 CI/CD、DevOps 和敏捷、Scrum、精益或极限等方法。




Sentio 通过其人才招聘服务帮助客户满足他们的人员需求。无论您是在寻找功能/技术顾问来管理您的应用程序,还是寻找高级和高级管理职位来领导各种 IT 相关职能,我们都可以通过广泛的猎头和搜索服务为您提供合适的人才,以满足您的合同和长期员工扩充需求。


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